Sunday, December 2, 2007


This whole "Ninja Burglar" is getting old. It's time that this crazy lunatic is caught. I am all for the neighborhood patrol and all that good stuff to hunt him down, but I find it to be beyond idiotic to put it in the newspaper. Obviously this guy isn't a moron and has some clue as to what's going on. I mean if I were going around robbing people I would definitely check the local newspapers to see what's being said about me. Two days after robbing two houses on Todt Hill I think I would be smart enough to look at the paper and see the man with his flashlight shining into a fan trying to find me. This guy is not going to strike again in this neighborhood now that he's read this and may possibly do it on Todt Hill again just to show that he is smarter than the people on the look out for him. He may even take another hiatus before striking again. Time will only tell what is going to be this man who has already taken a knife to the chest's fate.

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