Sunday, December 2, 2007

best desperate housewives of the season

Tonights episode of Desperate Housewives started off the way it usually does.. Woman talking at the beginning about the occurrences taking place in the show and then getting into it. There were many things packed into this episode. The housewives all find out that Gabby and Carlos are leaving in order to escape the wrath of Victor Lang. They also learn a tornado is coming. New housewife Catherine finds out her husband cheated on her and Edie loses Carlos's papers to have a 10 million dollar account off-shore, on-shore. Victor tries to kill Carlos and ends up killing himself due to fence through stomach in the tornado, Brie consoles her arch enemy Catherine when she finds out her husband had cheated on her and Linette's family was in the basement of a house that collapsed during the tornado. The episode was decent but not the greatest they could have made it and definitely not better than Grey's Anatomy.

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