Sunday, December 9, 2007

My First College Semester

My First College Semester has proved that I have never grown out of my High School ways. In High School I was the biggest slacker you could ever meet. Unfortunately, I still am. In my various classes I have never written a paper more than one or two days earlier than a day or two before it's due and I almost never print out assignments to hand in. I am forgetful and do as little as possible to get by. When I was younger I used to love doing homework and writing papers and whatnot but as the years went by I lost interest and I think this is why I no longer want to be bothered with papers and such. This is definitely hard to believe because I am an Education major. I have progressed somewhat, I make more of an effort to write a decent paper and participate in my classes. Hopefully I will not be disappointed by my efforts in and out of the classroom.

America's Most Smartest Model

America's Most Smartest Model tests models intelligence as well as their modeling skills. After watching the show from it's premiere, it is finally down to the last two people. Andre, the arrogant Russian and VJ, the conniving pretty boy. These two have been going at it since the beginning. Who would have thought it would be them in the end? Big shock.. not. Who will it be? The man so cocky even he can't stand himself or the rat that would have no problem throwing anyone under the bus in order to get himself ahead? If you ask me, the final challenge is a stupid one. Making a slideshow to prove who is better isn't really the greatest challenge to determine who is a better model. From the coming attractions it did look a little entertaining since Andre has a guest and VJ uses his sly tactics to get ahead in the game.. Only time will tell.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

tis the season pt. 2

As I finished writing my last post, I began thinking about one of the manager's at work. She has been dating someone for a few months now and has noticed a sudden change in his attitude during the "happiest season of all." He lost both his parents a few years ago and during the Christmas season he gets depressed and doesn't want to be bothered by anyone. Thinking about him and the many others out there that have the same feelings towards this season makes me think about how blessed I am to not have to worry about such a thing. This doesn't change my hatred for the season and the millions of slow moving people walking in the mall that i cannot stand but it will definitely make me appreciate the family and friends that I do have.

tis the season

In recent posts, I have discussed how I am not a holiday person. My hatred was solidified today when I had to work from 3:30-11. Approaching the mall was havoc all in itself. Richmond Avenue was backed up and the turning lane into the mall was almost impossible to be in. Once I finally got into the parking lot, I realized I'm lucky enough to park in the busiest section of the parking area. Everyone was in a rush somewhere and there were no spots to be found. I had some time to kill before going into work so I figured I would drive around looking for a spot with far from high hopes of finding a good one. Low and behold a girl who looked spaced out beyond belief got into her car FOUR spots from the entrance of the mall. No way was this happening to me. I put my blinker on and threw my car in reverse to back up a few feet so she could get out. When I look in the mirror I see an older man in a yellow mustang (who wants a YELLOW mustang when we all know red is SO much better) put his blinker on and didn't seem to be moving back for me. OH NO sir, there's absolutely no way I am giving up this perfect spot. I slowly backed my car closer and closer and eventually he moved back for me but was still sitting there. Now I'm all ready for this girl to get out of her spot so I can park there. She's just sitting there on her phone NOT moving. After about 5 minutes of growing impatient I got extremely impatient and decided to be obnoxious and start beeping my horn at her to leave. It worked, the old man pulled away and she got out of the spot so I could get into it. Needless to say I was appreciating my obnoxiousness at the end of the night when it was freezing outside and I didn't have to walk far to get to my car.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

best desperate housewives of the season

Tonights episode of Desperate Housewives started off the way it usually does.. Woman talking at the beginning about the occurrences taking place in the show and then getting into it. There were many things packed into this episode. The housewives all find out that Gabby and Carlos are leaving in order to escape the wrath of Victor Lang. They also learn a tornado is coming. New housewife Catherine finds out her husband cheated on her and Edie loses Carlos's papers to have a 10 million dollar account off-shore, on-shore. Victor tries to kill Carlos and ends up killing himself due to fence through stomach in the tornado, Brie consoles her arch enemy Catherine when she finds out her husband had cheated on her and Linette's family was in the basement of a house that collapsed during the tornado. The episode was decent but not the greatest they could have made it and definitely not better than Grey's Anatomy.


This whole "Ninja Burglar" is getting old. It's time that this crazy lunatic is caught. I am all for the neighborhood patrol and all that good stuff to hunt him down, but I find it to be beyond idiotic to put it in the newspaper. Obviously this guy isn't a moron and has some clue as to what's going on. I mean if I were going around robbing people I would definitely check the local newspapers to see what's being said about me. Two days after robbing two houses on Todt Hill I think I would be smart enough to look at the paper and see the man with his flashlight shining into a fan trying to find me. This guy is not going to strike again in this neighborhood now that he's read this and may possibly do it on Todt Hill again just to show that he is smarter than the people on the look out for him. He may even take another hiatus before striking again. Time will only tell what is going to be this man who has already taken a knife to the chest's fate.